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Power Transition Dramatically Shifts Control of Transport Sector in Bangladesh


The transport sector is a critical part of Bangladesh's economy, accounting for about 5% of GDP and employing over 5 million people. However, the sector has long been plagued by inefficiencies, corruption, and a lack of coordination between different stakeholders.

Power Transition

In an effort to address these issues, the government of Bangladesh has recently implemented a major power transition in the transport sector. The transition has seen the creation of a new Ministry of Transportation and the appointment of a new Minister, Obaidul Quader.

Key Changes

  • The new Ministry will be responsible for all aspects of transport policy and regulation.
  • The Ministry will have the authority to issue licenses and permits, set fares and rates, and enforce safety regulations.
  • The Ministry will also be responsible for coordinating between different stakeholders in the transport sector, including government agencies, private sector companies, and civil society organizations.

Expected Outcomes

The government expects that the power transition will lead to a number of positive outcomes, including:

  • Improved coordination and efficiency in the transport sector
  • Reduced corruption
  • Improved safety standards
  • Increased investment in the transport sector


While the power transition has the potential to significantly improve the transport sector in Bangladesh, there are also a number of challenges that must be overcome. These challenges include:

  • Resistence from vested interests
  • Lack of capacity within the new Ministry
  • Limited resources


The power transition in the transport sector in Bangladesh is a major step towards improving the efficiency, safety, and coordination of the sector. However, a number of challenges must be overcome in order to ensure that the transition is successful.
